Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 6, Assignment 1
I'm following the genre link "Stop You're Killing Me!", which is a mystery site.
One of the interesting pages on this site is the What's New section, which includes new authors and new book characters and series, which are added monthly. One can also look them up alphabetically. So, if a reader remembers a character's name and not the author or not the title, the rest of the information can be located by using this index.
 Another page I enjoyed on this website is Historical Period of Series Character, divided into
Ancient Before 476, Post 476-1500 (Medieval) Edward III (1327-1377) Henry VI (1421-1461) Edward IV (1461-1483) Henry III (1216-1272) Edward I (1272-1307), 1500s  Henry VIII (1509-1547)Elizabeth I (1558-1603), 1600s & 1700s Colonial Period Baroque Era, 1800s Regency (1811-1820) Victorian (1837-1901), 1900s Edwardian (1901-1910), and the decades of the 1900s through the 1980s. This is very useful for individuals who enjoy reading mysteries from particular historical periods.
The Genre Index page has 17 different categories, including Cozy (Traditional) Mysteries, Gothic Suspense, Holidays, Humorous Mysteries, Paranormal, and Pets, as well as several others. I find this very helpful, as I enjoy cozy mysteries and humorous mysteries and can find new authors and titles with these links.

Genre Index

Ghosts, Psychics, etc.
Cats & Dogs

Genre Index

Ghosts, Psychics, etc.
Cats & Dogs

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